The Five Greatest Warriors by Matthew Reilly, Review: Fun conclusion

The Five Greatest Warriors Synopsis

The Five Greatest Warriors Review, Matthew Reilly Jack West Series

Jack West Jr and his loyal team are in desperate disarray: they’ve been separated, their mission is in tatters, and Jack was last seen plummeting down a fathomless abyss.

After surviving his deadly fall, Jack must now race against his many enemies to locate and set in place the remaining pieces of The Machine before the coming Armageddon.

As the world teeters on the brink of destruction, he will learn of the Five Warriors, the individuals who throughout history have been most intimately connected to his quest.

Scores will be settled, fathers will fight sons, brothers will battle brothers, and Jack and his friends will soon find out exactly what the end of the world looks like… 

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Book Review

Long time readers of my blog will know that Matthew Reilly’s novels are my guilty pleasure. Despite having quite a varied range of reading interests I more often than not gravitate to the more literary end of the spectrum, enjoying The Writing just as much as I enjoy The Story. Matthew Reilly’s books do not fit in the literature genre – they live in the ‘pure, unadulterated escapism’ bucket.

The Five Greatest Warriors, the finale of Matthew Reilly’s Jack West Jnr Series, is a fitting conclusion to a storyline that is well beyond belief but oh so much fun.

As always, the action sequences are fast and furious and our much loved characters able to take more punishment than crash test dummies and live to fight another day. In this finale, Reilly has managed to redeem himself somewhat from the trick he pulled on readers with his literal cliffhanger at the end of The Six Sacred Stones. He shares more reflections on the lives of his ragtag band of crusaders and introduces the The Five Greatest Warrior prophecy to tie up loose ends. A little warning for the devout though – he may have taken liberties with the re-writing of history a little too far for some tastes. ;)

Despite all the Matthew Reilly novels I have since read, my first taste, Ice Station, and the Shane Schofield ‘Scarecrow’ Series remains my favourite.

BOOK RATING: The Story 4 / 5 ; The Writing 3 / 5 – Overall 3.5

BOOK DETAILS: Amazon | Bookshop US | Booktopia AU

Genre: Action-Adventure, Thriller

Author Information: Check out Matthew Reilly’s website

Reading Update: We have now also enjoyed the following releases from Matthew Reilly – Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves, The Great Zoo of China, The Four Legendary Kingdoms, The Three Secret Cities, The Two Lost Mountains and The One Impossible Labyrinth.